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FireTune for Mozilla Firefox

You can either configure the Firefox settings manually or use FireTune. The difference is 30 minutes or more. Instead of having to tweak settings in 'about:config' manually, just provide FireTune with some basic details such as CPU speed and Internet Speed, and it will optimize your Firefox based on such input.

Note: Make sure you have made the backup of Firefox configuration before tweaking it with this tool. Backup and Restoration of original configuration can be made from within this tool.

It is a portable tool for Windows only, just extract the content from the zip file, open the folder, and hit FireTune executable file. You can also optimize Firefox portable using this tool, hit Settings, select Type Of Firefox, and choose Firefox Portable.

It not only optimizes the latest version of Firefox, but can also optimize older versions too. On the main window, you will start from 'Performance Optimization' tab where you can select your computer and internet speed.

Now moving over to 'Other Optimization' tab, you will find options that are not related to your computer speed, such as, enable caching of objects served over a secure connection(SSL).

In the last tab named 'Other Useful Settings', you will find options related to displaying an error page instead of an error message box, turning on/off autocomplete for URLs, and optimizing Firefox memory usage.

Note: As mentioned in the program, you must CLOSE Firefox before optimizing using this tool.

When all settings are done, hit Tune It! to apply the configuration. Now you will observe your Firefox to be faster than before.  If you don't feel a difference you can try out a different CPU/Internet speed configuration.

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